Monday, May 24, 2010


Hey girl, listen here...i'm getting frustrated bout your posts on your blog...some times it's just your imagination...or just your feelings only...dont blame ppl or talk ppl before you understand the whole story.........


Friday, December 11, 2009


Hey there....... Haiz.....why this year happened so many things ar?

During this 2 months holiday, I'm so busy to attend the orchestra practice at Confucian school. Actually it's tired to attend such a long practice at so far away from my house. From 9am to 6pm. Haiz....

Then, Confucian's orchestra people gossip about me and someone. Even orchestra teacher play the fool with me also. Haiz..... never mind lo. He's teacher ma. It spread til many people knows. Our school's orchestra is some of the girls always say that gossip also. Ish....

We go to Bandar Tasik Selatan practice orchestra every Sunday. Last Sunday, we did not practice much. Most of the PESS girls went to a room with orchestra teacher.When they came out, they told me all those non sense things. Actually quite funny. I'm not angry in what you all say. I didn't even angry also. I just feel that why you all so silly, so bored. This kind of things also can play. Haiz...... Kaka....

Saturday, December 5, 2009


hahaha.... My mom did operation last Thursday. She cut off that fibroid. Now i know why she angry last time. It's because my dad... he spoke something consider as terrible...such as, "no matter you do operation or not, it's your fault if you die, it's not my fault." I could not believe that he spoke that kind of things to my mom. I'll blame him if my mom's anything wrong. He did not even help mom to do housework. He just leave those plates or bowls on the table after meal. Then, he want me to clean all the things. He just sit on the sofa and watch TV. He's so stubborn. Like a master at home. Mom need to serve him even she's sick...i mean after operation, it's painful right, so consider as sick la. Dad did not help mom to do things. He just do his things only, like wash his aquarium, wash cars, plant those flowers and so on. He has the responsibility to do these things. If he has time to serve things at internet, why don't he just save some time to help mom to do things? Then I have some time to do my tuition homework. Even when he did, all the things will very messy. I have to rearrange all the things again. Haiz.......

I cook for them leh...... i can't imagine i can cook such delicious dishes.. haha. Very nice leh. Want try some? I'll cook for you all when the sun rise from the west. Kakaka.

Going to camp next next week-16/12. They have to do those things themselves within those days.......6 days and 5 night. Kakaka.

My blog is something for me to express my grievances or share something to other people. Why don't you just keep quite after reading my blog posts? It's not your responsibility to report all the things on my blog to my mom. You are not requested to do so, right? You got it? I post things to my blog because i don't want my family members know about it, except my beloved cousin sis..Yan. But Fiona Wong. You are not my beloved cousin sis. Even though you are my mom's goddaughter, I did not admit that you are my god sister since young. I mean since I was BORN. Can you just not to be so busy body, telling my mom what I post to my blog? Don't make me angry i tell you..... Don't force me to call you "Shakey Pizza" in the future. May be it's nothing to you. But I'm so happy because no need to call you that irritating "CHEH CHEH" ( 姐姐 ).

Monday, November 16, 2009


Hi everyone...i've abandon my blog for almost half a year....going to update now...kakaka

Today.. there's a orchestra meeting... we discuss about something la.. Then after that....orchestra president read out those members who are out, warning n so on.. when SHE read out those girls who need to change their attitude a bit... their faces, their emotions, their eye sight changes soooo fast... even faster than F1 cars.... as i know, 3 OF THEM dont like people say something about them or even just comment or advice. There's an incident happened yesterday, 20/11. We are actually separated to groups to practice during orchestra practice at Confucian school. Then JS and I sat together. YM and xx just sat beside us. Then I heard that xx's melody is not that accurate. I just gave her a comment to play more accurate. But, i don't know it's her fingers problems or her instrument's problem, no difference. I told her to move her fingers lower a bit. You know what she said? She said: 如果再下一点的话就会爆了。I actually don't know what's the meaning of explode. She meant that instrument or the sound played by that instrument. I'm soooooo angry. As you all know, I'll get angry very easily. The only child ma, attitude sure got problem de la. But of course, I didn't scold her la. I just asked JS go out with me and "fa sie". But something unpredictable is, lym came out after that n cry. She said she can't stand xx anymore. She said that she didn't want to help xx to play songs with accurate tone. My tears about to come out when i saw her crying. She's so pity. Haiz.....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

离开这个星球, 好不好?

我觉得我的blog的名字这真的取到很好。 因为, 我真的很想离开这个星球。 我一定会答“好”。 这几天真的是还蛮倒霉的。 遇到这些将倒霉的事情。 我真的很想离开这个星球, 把不开心的事情都忘掉。 不用我现在好象在家里生不如死的感觉。 现在只有我那些朋友帮我分担我的伤心事。

School and family problems.....

我妈真的很stubborn咯! 我已经帮忙他做了很多家务, 该做的都做了。 他还是不肯原谅我叻! 算了, 我一定会很努力的。 我要他知道, 我那天去的meeting是很有帮助, 学到很多东西还有令我改变自己的一个meeting。

今天啊, 我的奶奶还有姑姑一起去她的房间跟她谈谈。 他们两个很努力的劝我妈去割掉那粒东西。 可是, 还是失败了。 我妈是一个很degil的人。 她决定了的事情是很难劝她或阻止她。 除非真的觉得烦或没办法了, 他就会不做那个东西。 我奶奶还有姑姑已经劝了他差不多有一个小时了。 我妈还是不肯割掉它。 虽然那粒东西是对身体不harmful的, 可是也是要割掉它啊! 在身体里面久了不知道会变成什么样的东西。 我怎么会有那么固执的妈妈呢?

我问你们哦! 你们要说实话! 我会很固执, 很sombong吗?

Sombong是Pn. Yusnah的故事。

这要从今天的最后一节开始讲起。 今天在学校的最后一节是BM。 BM老师是Pn. Yusnah。 考完华语试卷后, 他拿起马来文考卷, 然后把椅子拉到班的中间坐下来。 他说除了班上的那几位华人同学在rumusan做得很好之外, 有些人(包括马来人) 都做得不是很好。 他说他很不满意。 他还说他已经说过rumusan的步骤很多次了。 (说真的, 他也重复了还蛮多次的) 他其实还没改完。 他应该是改了rumusan罢了, 也不是改了全不人的。 可是我知道, 他已经改了我的。 他差不多已经把那些他改了的分数读出来。 可是他偏偏就不要读我和Michelle的分数。 他过后还强调说有些人其实不是很聪明, 但是就是要“自作聪明”。 有些人还很“sombong”。 老师骂人的时候, 就是要摆臭脸, 还有不接受老师的教诲。 他说起这几句话的时候, 我和Michelle都有注意到Pn. Yusnah是很明显的再看我们两个。 他还令我们迟放学。 有些甚至巴士也走了。 他临走前的那一句话是。。。。我也不知道。 反正就是很不好的一句话。

你们说实话, 我和Michelle真的有那么坏吗? Michelle就一定不是啦。 可是我呢? 一定要说实话哦,告诉我。 说谎者。。。。请我吃东西。

Sunday, August 2, 2009


好大压力哦! 学校要考试, 钢琴又要考试, 还要面对一些想起就会很想哭的事情。 这件事对我来说真的真的令我觉得很大压力。 这件事情是关于我妈的。

我妈告诉我她生东西。 可是, 当我问她生什么的时候, 他只回答我说在下体的。我之后就没过问这件事了。 星期五晚上有 High School Meeting。 不是学校举行的, 而是会馆里的activity。 我妈一直叫我别去因为我还没病好。 我并没听他说, 因为这不是教坏人的meeting。 所以, 我坚持说要去。 我妈回我的一句话竟然是:“ 竟然你不听坚持要去的话, 就别叫我妈。” 我当然是很惊讶, 可是通常几个小时后, 就会恢复正常。 我觉得我妈很莫名其妙。 竟然他那么介意我生病而出去, 那她干嘛要让我去上学, 去补习呢? 那个meeting 20多个人而已, 在学校/补习班超过20个人嘞! 他就是因为这小事而生气。 他说过今天(2/8)会给我钱交学费, 可是她生气我了。 你们说我妈会不会给呢?
今天, 我姨妈竟然来我家。 她是开 coffee shop 的, 6时的时候还是工作的时候没有可能会上来我家的。 我妈与我把刚好要出去 jogging。 我姨妈趁他出去就叫我唱题。 什么是唱题? 好难跟你们解释哦! 就像念经啦! 他叫我祈求我妈的病快点康复。 我就开始blur 了。 我姨妈原来已经一五一十的告诉我姑姑了。 我姨妈跟我妈谈判过,我妈也在他面前哭了。 我妈说他很烦。 他怕没钱做 surgery 解决掉他的下体那粒东西(原来是生"fibroit"-不会spell), 工作上又有压力, 他弟弟又有问题然后每天烦这我妈。 这些事情令我妈又烦又大压力。 我妈还天天骂我叻! 我这几个月来都跟朋友sms发泄。 我一直告诉我朋友我妈怎样怎样。 我姨妈说我妈有忧郁症的特征。 现在我只希望我妈快点康复, 不管我有多大的压力, 也要祈求我妈快点康复。